Thursday, September 8, 2011

Transpose Characters

There is no function in Word to transpose the order of two characters - a function that has been available in some word processing software since before Windows found its way onto the home computer. The following macro attached to some suitable keyboard shortcut will correct that omission. The macro works with either two selected characters or the characters either side of the cursor. The macro also takes account of the case of the transposed characters. If the first character to be transposed is upper case and the second not, then after transposition the first character will be upper case and the second lower case. Where both or neither characters are upper case, the case of the characters is retained.

Sub Transpose()
Dim oRng As Range
Dim sText As String
Msg1 As String
Msg2 As String
Msg3 As String
MsgTitle As String
Msg1 = "You must place the cursor between " & _
"the 2 characters to be transposed!"
Msg2 = "There are no characters to transpose?"
Msg3 = "There is no document open!"
MsgTitle = "Transpose Characters"
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If ActiveDocument.Characters.Count > 2 Then
     Set oRng = Selection.Range
     Select Case Len(oRng)
     Case Is = 0
          If oRng.Start = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range.Start Then
               MsgBox Msg1, vbCritical, MsgTitle
               Exit Sub
          End If
oRng.End = oRng.Paragraphs(1).Range.End - 1 Then
               MsgBox Msg1, vbCritical, MsgTitle
               Exit Sub
          End If
               .Start = .Start - 1
               .End = .End + 1
               sText = .Text
          End With
     Case Is
= 1
          MsgBox Msg1, vbCritical, MsgTitle
          Exit Sub
     Case Is
= 2
          sText = Selection.Range.Text
     Case Else
          MsgBox Msg1, vbCritical, MsgTitle
          Exit Sub
     End Select
          If .Range.Characters(1).Case = 1 _
          And .Range.Characters(2).Case = 0 Then
               .Text = UCase(Mid(sText, 2, 1)) & _
               LCase(Mid(sText, 1, 1))
               .Text = Mid(sText, 2, 1) & _
               Mid(sText, 1, 1)
          End If
          .Collapse wdCollapseEnd
          .Move wdCharacter, -1
     End With

     MsgBox Msg2, vbCritical, MsgTitle
End If
If Err.Number = 4248 Then
MsgBox Msg3, vbCritical, MsgTitle
End If
End Sub

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