Thursday, September 8, 2011

Insert Autotext Entry with VBA - Word to 2003

When you request an autotext entry, Word looks into the active template first, then in add in templates and finally in the normal template. This appears rather complex to arrange with vba.

While you can insert an autotext entry using vba from the attached (active) template or from the normal template, if it is present relatively simply, provided you know its location and it is present. The problems arise when the location is not known or may not be present. The following macro first checks whether the document template is the normal template. If it is not, then the document template is checked for the entry. If it is or if the entry has not been found, the macro then checks all installed add-ins. Finally, if the normal template was not checked in the first step, it is now checked. If the entry is found in any of these locations the entry is inserted and the macro quits. If not the user is given a message to that effect.
Sub InsertMyAutotext()
Dim oAT As AutoTextEntry
Dim oTemplate As Template
Dim oAddin As AddIn
Dim strText As String
bFound As Boolean

'Define the required autotext entry
strText = "AutoText Name"
'Set the found flag default to False
bFound = False
'Ignore the attached template for now if the
'document is based on the normal template

If ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate <> NormalTemplate Then
     Set oTemplate = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate
     'Check each autotext entry in the attached template
     For Each oAT In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
          'Look for the autotext name
          If = strText Then 'if found insert it
               oTemplate.AutoTextEntries(strText).Insert _
               'Set the found flag to true
               bFound = True
               'Clean up and stop looking
               Set oTemplate = Nothing
               Exit Sub
          End If
End If
'Autotext entry was not found
If bFound = False Then
     For Each oAddin In AddIns
          'Check currently loaded add-ins
          If oAddin.Installed = False Then Exit For
          Set oTemplate = Templates(oAddin.Path & _
            Application.PathSeparator &
          'Check each autotext entry in the current attached template
          For Each oAT In oTemplate.AutoTextEntries
               If = strText Then 'if found insert it
                    oTemplate.AutoTextEntries(strText).Insert _
                    'Set the found flag to true
                    bFound = True
                    'Clean up and stop looking
                    Set oTemplate = Nothing
                    Exit Sub
               End If
     Next oAddin
End If

'The entry has not been found check the normal template
If bFound = False Then
Each oAT In NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries
          If = strText Then
               NormalTemplate.AutoTextEntries(strText).Insert _
               bFound = True
               Exit For
          End If
End If
'All sources have been checked and the entry is still not found
If bFound = False Then 'so tell the user.
     MsgBox "Entry not found", vbInformation, "Autotext " _
       & Chr(145) & strText & Chr(146)
End If
End Su

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