Saturday, April 14, 2012

Quickly Change Formulas to Values

To change formulas to their values, follow these steps:
  1. Select the cells with the formulas that you want to change to values.
  2. Point to the border of the selected range, and the pointer should change to a four-headed arrow.
  3. Press the right mouse button, and drag the cells slightly to the right.
  4. Keep pressing the right mouse button, and drag the cells back to their original location.
  5. Release the right mouse button and a shortcut menu will appear.
  6. Click on Copy Here as Values Only.

Enter Excel Data in a List

Use Excel's built-in Data Form to make it easier to enter data in a list. It will display a maximum of 32 fields.
  1. Select a cell in the list.
  2. Choose Data|Form
  3. Click the New button, and enter the new record
Note: Fields which contain a formula, such as Total in the Data form shown here, will not have a text box. The formula will be entered and calculated automatically.
For a data form with additional features, you can try John  Walkenbach's Enhanced Data Form. It's free, and allows unlimited fields

Add Line Break in Cell or Formula

Add a line break when typing in a cell

  1. Select the cell
  2. In the formula bar, click where you want the line break
  3. On the keyboard, press Alt + Enter, to add a line break
  4. Press Enter, to complete the formula

The cell will automatically be formatted with Wrap Text, and you might need to widen the column.


Add a line break in a formula

  1. Select the cell
  2. In the formula bar, click in the formula, where you want the line break
  3. To add a line break use this character, with the & operator:
  4. CHAR(10)
  5. Press Enter, to complete the formula

For example, change this formula:
="Total amount is: " & SUM(C1:C6)
to this:
="Total amount is: " & CHAR(10) & SUM(C1:C6)


Turn on Wrap Text

When you add a line break to a formula, the cell is NOT automatically formatted with Wrap Text, so you might need to turn that feature on.
Otherwise, you will see a small box where the line break should be.


To turn on Wrap Text:

  1. Select the cell
  2. On the Excel Ribbon, click the Home tab
  3. In the Alignment group, click Wrap Text.

Excel Data Entry Mouse Shortcuts

Copy Data to Adjacent Cells


  1. Select the cell that contains the data to be copied
  2. Point to the Fill Handle -- the black square at the lower right of the selection
  3. When the pointer changes to a black plus sign, press the Left mouse button, and drag left, right, up or down, across one or more cells.
  4. When finished, release the mouse button.

Copy to Adjacent Cells -- with options

  1. Select the cell that contains the data to be copied
  2. Point to the Fill Handle -- the black square at the lower right of the selection
  3. When the pointer changes to a black plus sign, press the Right mouse button, and drag left, right, up or down, across one or more cells.
  4. When finished, release the mouse button.
  5. Select one of the options from the shortcut menu
Watch this Excel Quick Tips Video for creating a list of dates that are a week apart.


Excel Data Entry Keyboard Shortcuts

Use Shortcut Keys

  • Enter the current Date:  Ctrl + ;
  • Enter the current Time:  Ctrl + Shift + ;
  • Copy Value from cell above:  Ctrl + Shift + '
  • Copy Formula (exact) from cell above:  Ctrl + '
  • Copy Formula (relational reference) from cell above:  Ctrl + D

Enter Data in Multiple Cells -- Ctrl + Enter

  1. Select all the cells in which you want to enter the same value or formula
  2. Type the value or formula in the active cell
  3. Hold the Ctrl key and press Enter

Copy Data to Adjacent Cells

  1. Select the range, starting with the cell that contains the data to be copied
  2. Use a shortcut key to fill right or down:
    • Fill Right -- Ctrl + R
    • Fill Down -- Ctrl + D

Convert Trailing Minus Signs Programmatically

In all versions of Excel, you can use the following macro to convert numbers with trailing minus signs.
Sub TrailingMinus()
' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
' Use of CDbl suggested by Peter Surcouf
' Program by Dana DeLouis,
' modified by Tom Ogilvy
' = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
  Dim rng As Range
  Dim bigrng As Range

  On Error Resume Next
  Set bigrng = Cells _
     .SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues).Cells
  If bigrng Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

  For Each rng In bigrng.Cells
    If IsNumeric(rng) Then
      rng = CDbl(rng)
    End If
End Sub

Convert Text to Numbers With VBA

If you frequently convert text to numbers, you can use a macro.
Add a button to an existing toolbar, and attach the macro to that button. Then, select the cells, and click the toolbar button.
Sub ConvertToNumbers() 
  Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) _
    .Offset(1, 1).Copy
  Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, _
  With Selection
     .VerticalAlignment = xlTop
     .WrapText = False
  End With
End Sub 

How to convert text to numbers in Excel

Sub Enter_Values()
 For Each xCell In Selection
 Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00" 'Note: The "0.00" determines the number of decimal places. 
 xCell.Value = xCell.Value
 Next xCell
End Sub